

Wem of Wister (story)

Since college, I have been writing about the journeys of Dale Tuttle, professor of linguistic anthropology, based much on his Journal. In March, I self-published a print version of the beginning of his encounter of the people on the land of Dulinae in a novella called Wem of Wister. Tuttle believes the story of this young man, Wem, is the most pivotal of all the stories from that land, at least among the stories he learned. Wem of Wister is the beginning of Wem's story about how he helped to remove a curse from the land.

The novella is now available in ebook format: Enjoy.


"Jesus is risen!", a resurrection hymn

I have written a hymn about Jesus' resurrection (and our own). The tune is BUNESSAN.

Jesus is risen!
I will go with him
Into the morning
Of the new day
Sorrow to swallow
New paths to follow
As the world opens
In his new way.

Jesus is risen!
All the world, listen:
Done are the days when
Death ruled as king.
Can you believe it?
Will you receive him?
Jesus our Lord
Now fills everything.

Jesus is risen!
We will rise with him
To live the story
Death tried to close.
Praise with your laughter
Praise with your whole life
Praise like the first light
When he arose!