

"And they all were satisfied"

The rain was cold tonight, but one church in Southeast San Diego was full of warmth.

From 6 to 8 pm, Southeast Church of the Nazarene served its annual Thanksgiving Eve dinner, free to anyone hungry for food and company. Round and rectangular tables covered in red-and-white-checkered tablecloths filled the sanctuary. By 5 pm, some tables were already full with adults and families.

"This was something I did not want to miss," said Stephanie, who worships with the church on Sundays.

The church served about 300 folks. Plates of sliced turkey, yams, steamed vegetables, stuffing, ambrosia, cranberries, gravy, and bread were prepared in the kitchen and brought by servers to the diners. Beverages included lemonade, coffee, and milk.

About half of the servers and cooks came from San Diego First Church of the Nazarene in Point Loma, which partnered with the church for last year's Thanksgiving Eve dinner. They also donated the turkeys.

For dessert, servers presented slices of pumpkin pie with whip cream. Many individuals and families took entire pies home; about 140 pies were baked.

"This is the most pies I've ever seen in my life," said Kelsey, who helped bake the pies last night. Over 20 people, mostly youths, baked from 6 pm until 1 am. When they weren't working, they were playing chess, Clue, Connect Four, card games, basketball, or just hanging out.

Southeast Church of the Nazarene has provided this meal every year for over 12 years.

In his book Snapshots of the Kingdom, Pastor Steve writes about a Thanksgiving Eve dinner at the church 10 years ago. He compares the dinner with Jesus' feeding of 5,000 people.

"At the end of Jesus' meal they all were satisfied. And at the end of our meal, they all were satisfied. Jesus said He came to proclaim that the kingdom of God was at hand. In the Kingdom all will be satisfied. Jesus as well as the prophets before Him compared the coming of the Kingdom to a great banquet. Listen to what Isaiah has to say: 'On this mountain the LORD Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine--the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations; he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign LORD will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the disgrace of his people from all the earth' (25:6-8). . . .

"The reality was hitting home that our feast to end all feasts didn't end anything, especially hunger. But for one night, for one meal, [they] all were satisfied. . . . We reminded them of the future. They participated in a picture of the Kingdom. . . . For one night, for one meal, for one moment, folks of all ages, races, incomes, and backgrounds entered into the Lord's house and banqueted together at His tables. And they all were satisfied."

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