

An Introduction to, and "Straddling" Itself (poem)

This past weekend, I was grateful to have the chance to visit Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Indiana. I was there for several reasons: to check out the school, which offers a program in writing and ministry, to participate in ESR's annual Writer's Colloquium, which this year featured the inspiring Quaker singer/songwriter Carrie Newcomer, and to see my friend Dylan. Dylan, whom I've known since high school, is a student at Bethany Seminary, ESR's sister school.

During the last session of the writer's colloquium, we read the poem "Possibilities" by Wislawa Szymborska, and were asked to write a poem modeled after Szymborska's. Here's mine.


I prefer the first glance of the glory of God in the East.
I prefer cereal to oatmeal.
I prefer FOODLAND.
I prefer a whiskey sky.
I prefer offbeat picking with the rare strum.
I prefer whistling and humming, both.
I prefer waiting worship.
I prefer singing into or out of silence.
I prefer sleeping on Dylan's couch, and the couch in the Indianapolis International Airport, and the couch in the Redemption House.
I prefer wearing my scarf on a special occasion, such as being stranded again.
I prefer writing a daydream.
I prefer the kitchen.
I prefer being baptized in Mission Bay by Pastors Steve and Preston.
I prefer not singing, sometimes, when others are singing.
I prefer harmonizing, although when singing hymns I usually sing melody.
I prefer being alone.
I prefer being with people.
I prefer being alone with people.
I prefer being with everyone when alone or when with people.
I prefer onions.

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