

Getting Ready: Advent Reflections, Luke 1:38

‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.’ Then the angel left her.

Luke 1:38

Who do you belong to?

In today’s passage, Mary accepts Gabriel’s message to her, identifying herself as God’s servant, as someone belonging to God.

She could have identified in various ways. She could have said ‘I am society’s servant’ or ‘I am Joseph’s servant’ or ‘I am my own servant’ and forsaken God’s invitation. But at this pivotal moment she knows that she belongs foremost to God, and out of that knowledge she accepts God’s task for her, knowing that her life will no longer be what she or anyone else had expected it to be.

We see this attitude of surrender in Jesus’ life, especially on the night he is arrested. Knowing that his death is at hand, he prays, ‘Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done’ (Luke 22:42). Jesus knows that ultimately he belongs to God, and so he lays down his life in accordance with God’s will.

Whenever we are invited to follow God’s leadings, whether in a life-changing moment or God’s quiet nudges to us as we go about our day, like Mary we have a range of options. We can identify primarily with our career aspirations or our significant relationships rather than as God’s children. We can ally ourselves more closely with our possessions or our insecurities than with God. We can deny God’s will in exchange for our own will or someone else’s will for us.

Or we can confess that, as good as the people, communities and societies to which we belong are, at the heart of things we each belong foremost to God.

I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.

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