

Take courage!

Strengthen the feeble hands,
steady the knees that give way;
say to those with fearful hearts,
'Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come'.

Isaiah 35:3-4a

A bee regathering its strength on a hot day

Towards the beginning of lockdown, I read some thoughts written by a pastor about the pandemic. He recalled advice given by a sports coach: 'Fear no one, but respect everyone', and applied that to COVID-19, aiming to live bravely in face of the virus without being reckless.

That advice rang in my mind the first time I shopped for groceries during lockdown. Now, months later, I've plucked up more courage to go out and do such things. But among many of us, myself included, courage is still needed to face these times. 

Of course, we are not the first to live in a time of uncertainty. It seems courage has always been required. In the Gospel of John, for example, soon before Jesus is arrested and crucified, he tells his disciples, 'In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world' (16:33b). 

Jesus knew the trouble his disciples would face, not only in the short-term when they would feel lost without him, but also in the long-term, after his resurrection and ascension, when they would face persecution. The disciples' uncertainty was unlike ours in many ways, yet they too needed courage to endure their trials.

They would remember Jesus' words, 'Take heart!', encouraging them to faithfully witness to the truth they had learned about him, even though it would cost many of their lives. ('Take heart' means 'Take courage', since 'courage' comes from the Latin word for 'heart'.)

They would remember his words, 'I have overcome the world', reminding them that even though the authorities would use their power to try to crush them, all authority in heaven and on earth ultimately belonged to Jesus (Matt. 28:18).  

Thus, it takes courage to have integrity, to live in accordance with what is in one's heart, especially when other people or forces oppose one. Facing that opposition requires courage. In other words, it takes courage to tell the truth, both with our words and our actions. Perhaps we are courageous only by living truthfully. 

Jesus' word to his disciples -- 'Take heart!' -- applies to all who seek to live truthfully, all who seek to love God with all their courage (Mark 12:30), in a time when fear can tempt us to surrender to death instead.

It takes courage to trust in God's love for us when we are suffering.

It takes courage to love other people when doing so involves swallowing our pride or sacrificing something of ourselves.

It takes courage to live with integrity when it's easier to blur the truth instead.

It takes courage to do what we know is right when we fear the consequences.

It takes courage to carry on when the future looks bleak.

Though it may not seem like it, Jesus is Lord -- even over the coronavirus, even over the leaders of the nations, even over death itself. 

It takes courage to live in faith that this is true.

'Take heart! I have overcome the world.'

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