

Hymn: You're the one who created me

Today I added three more verses to the short song I wrote about last week. I also changed the harmony and removed the bass line; I think two parts gives it an appropriate simplicity and openness. Now it's a hymn, and not a short song; and the title has changed too.

Listen to the tune

1. You're the one who created me
Even now you're still making me
Who will I be when your work is done?

2. You have given me gifts to use
What's the work you would have me do?
Help me hear you when your call should come.

3. I can't see where the path unfolds
I don't know what tomorrow holds
Teach me how to follow you today.

4. Who can say what the Lord will do?
Every day is a gift anew
Trust in God and do not be afraid.

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