

145 (poem)

Today was my last day of proofreading academic papers. I'm so thankful to have had this job for the past year and a half. It was fascinating reading papers on a wide variety of topics, everything from the history of pirates to Chinqua, the Chinese artisan who worked in London modeling clay figures of European noblemen, to the Yorkshire dialect in literature and TV to efforts at restoring the harlequin toad to the most effective way to kick a soccerball to the history of restrooms to prison reform in France. . .

I thank God for this chapter (or should I say section?) of my life, and I look forward to my next steps. Today I found one of my journals from a year and a half ago. Upon receiving the proofreading job, I had written my own version of Psalm 145. I share it here to recount the goodness and provision of God.


Praise praise praise praise
Thanks thanks thanks thanks
Yes yes yes yes

I will give

Praise praise praise praise

to the Lord
for he has been
so good
to me.

Every day I will

Bless bless bless bless


and tell
of all
Your mighty works

You who are
gracious and merciful
slow to anger, and
abounding in steadfast love,
good to all You have made.

You hold the unsteady
You raise the humble
You provide food
with an open hand.
You satisfy all we desire.

Just and kind
You are near to all who call on You.

Praise praise praise praise
Bless bless bless bless
Yes yes yes yes!

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